Beginner/Intermediate Functional Fitness Program
Enjoy functional or CrossFit style training but not sure where to start when it comes to incorporating BFR?
This 4 easy exercises incorporate some of the most popular functional fitness movements while incorporating blood flow restriction training.
All exercises require light weights - 30-50% of 1RM. Complete 6-8 reps of each exercise in 5 rounds.
1. Push Press
2. Hang Power Clean
3. Deadlift
4. Bent Over Row
6 x 8 reps @ 30-50% with BFR (25-40% LOP)
*Rest 1min between rounds
We recommend a limb occlusion pressure of 25-40%
Ensure that your cuffs are placed as high on your limb as possible. Deflate the cuffs between performing sets of blood flow restriction exericses.
Here's a mobile friendly version for your work out
Simply screenshot the program below and save it to your images so you can have quick access while working out.